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The ROSflight firmware has several dozen parameters which it uses to customize performance. Parameters are considered semi-static variables. That is, parameters do not change during flight, but they may change between vehicles. Examples of parameters you may wish to change are:

  • Fixed-wing vehicle flag
  • PID gains
  • Mixer choice
  • IMU low-pass filter constant
  • RC receiver type (PPM or SBUS)

and so on. Access to all parameters is enabled via ROS services advertised by rosflight_io while the flight controller is connected.

Parameter Interface

Getting Parameter Values

Sometimes it is handy to ask the flight controller what the current value of a parameter is. This is accomplished using the param_get service. As an example, let's retrieve the roll angle controller proportional (P) gain.

rosservice call /param_get PID_ROLL_ANG_P

You should get a response similar to the following (this happens to be the default value with floating-point error):

exists: True
value: 0.15000000596

Changing Parameters

Parameters are changed via the param_set service. As an example, let's change the roll angle controller P gain. (I will assume that the flight controller is connected and rosflight_io is running in the root namespace.)

rosservice call /param_set PID_ROLL_ANG_P 0.08

You should get a prompt from rosflight_io saying

[ INFO] [1491672408.585339558]: Parameter PID_ROLL_ANG_P has new value 0.08
[ WARN] [1491672408.585508849]: There are unsaved changes to onboard parameters

Notice that the parameters have been set, but not saved. Parameter changes take effect immediately, however they will not persist over a reboot unless you write them to the non-volatile memory. This brings us to the next task.

Writing Parameters

To ensure that parameter values persist between reboots, you must write the parameters to the non-volatile memory. This is done by calling param_write

rosservice call /param_write

rosflight_io should then respond with

[ INFO] [1491672597.123201952]: Param write succeeded
[ INFO] [1491672597.123452908]: Onboard parameters have been saved


It is highly recommended that you write parameters before arming and flying the vehicle. Among other things, this will ensure that in the rare case that a hard fault is encountered and the flight controller must reboot during flight, the correct configuration will be loaded on reboot.


Parameter writing can only happen if the flight controller is disarmed. If the param write failed for some reason, you may want to make sure your FC is disarmed and try again.

Backing Up and Loading Parameters from File

It is good practice to backup your parameter configuration in case you have to re-flash your firmware or you want to share configurations between vehicles. We can do this via the param_save_to_file and param_load_from_file services.

First, let's back up our current parameter configuration:

rosservice call /param_save_to_file ~/parameters.yml

Parameters are saved in YAML format. You must also specify the absolute file name of where you would like your parameters to be saved. The current active set of parameters will be saved, regardless of what is saved in non-volatile memory on the flight controller.

Now, let's say we want to re-load this parameter file

rosservice call /param_load_from_file ~/parameters.yml
Again, you must specify the absolute file name of the file to be loaded.

Fixed-Wing Parameter Configuration

Because ROSflight ships with default parameters for multirotors, you will probably want to change the following parameters if you want to fly a fixed-wing aircraft.

Parameter Description Type Fixed-Wing Value
MOTOR_PWM_UPDATE Refresh rate of motor commands to motors and servos (Hz) - See motor documentation int 50
MOTOR_IDLE_THR min throttle command sent to motors when armed (Set above 0.1 to spin when armed) float 0.1
ARM_CHANNEL RC switch channel mapped to arming [0 indexed, -1 to disable] int 4
FIXED_WING switches on passthrough commands for fixed-wing operation int true
MIXER Which mixer to choose - See Mixer documentation int 10
ELEVATOR_REV reverses elevator servo output int 0/1
AIL_REV reverses aileron servo output int 0/1
RUDDER_REV reverses rudder servo output int 0/1
CAL_GYRO_ARM Calibrate gyros when arming - generally only for multirotors int false

Description of all Parameters

This is a list of all ROSflight parameters, including their types, default values, and minimum and maximum recommended values:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Min Max
BAUD_RATE Baud rate of MAVlink communication with companion computer int 921600 9600 921600
SERIAL_DEVICE Serial Port (for supported devices) int 0 0 3
SYS_ID Mavlink System ID int 1 1 255
STRM_HRTBT Rate of heartbeat stream (Hz) int 1 0 1000
STRM_STATUS Rate of status stream (Hz) int 10 0 1000
STRM_ATTITUDE Rate of attitude stream (Hz) int 200 0 1000
STRM_IMU Rate of IMU stream (Hz) int 250 0 1000
STRM_MAG Rate of magnetometer stream (Hz) int 50 0 75
STRM_BARO Rate of barometer stream (Hz) int 50 0 100
STRM_AIRSPEED Rate of airspeed stream (Hz) int 50 0 50
STRM_SONAR Rate of sonar stream (Hz) int 40 0 40
STRM_SERVO Rate of raw output stream int 50 0 490
STRM_RC Rate of raw RC input stream int 50 0 50
STRM_GNSS Maximum rate of GNSS data streaming. Higher values allow for lower latency int 1000 0 1000
STRM_GNSS_FULL Maximum rate of fully detailed GNSS data streaming int 0 0 10
STRM_BATTERY Rate of battery status stream int 0 0 50
PARAM_MAX_CMD saturation point for PID controller output float 1.0 0 1.0
PID_ROLL_RATE_P Roll Rate Proportional Gain float 0.070f 0.0 1000.0
PID_ROLL_RATE_I Roll Rate Integral Gain float 0.000f 0.0 1000.0
PID_ROLL_RATE_D Roll Rate Derivative Gain float 0.000f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_RATE_P Pitch Rate Proportional Gain float 0.070f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_RATE_I Pitch Rate Integral Gain float 0.0000f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_RATE_D Pitch Rate Derivative Gain float 0.0000f 0.0 1000.0
PID_YAW_RATE_P Yaw Rate Proportional Gain float 0.25f 0.0 1000.0
PID_YAW_RATE_I Yaw Rate Integral Gain float 0.0f 0.0 1000.0
PID_YAW_RATE_D Yaw Rate Derivative Gain float 0.0f 0.0 1000.0
PID_ROLL_ANG_P Roll Angle Proportional Gain float 0.15f 0.0 1000.0
PID_ROLL_ANG_I Roll Angle Integral Gain float 0.0f 0.0 1000.0
PID_ROLL_ANG_D Roll Angle Derivative Gain float 0.05f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_ANG_P Pitch Angle Proportional Gain float 0.15f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_ANG_I Pitch Angle Integral Gain float 0.0f 0.0 1000.0
PID_PITCH_ANG_D Pitch Angle Derivative Gain float 0.05f 0.0 1000.0
X_EQ_TORQUE Equilibrium torque added to output of controller on x axis float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
Y_EQ_TORQUE Equilibrium torque added to output of controller on y axis float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
Z_EQ_TORQUE Equilibrium torque added to output of controller on z axis float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
PID_TAU Dirty Derivative time constant - See controller documentation float 0.05f 0.0 1.0
MOTOR_PWM_UPDATE Overrides default PWM rate specified by mixer if non-zero - Requires reboot to take effect int 0 0 490
MOTOR_IDLE_THR min throttle command sent to motors when armed (Set above 0.1 to spin when armed) float 0.1 0.0 1.0
FAILSAFE_THR Throttle sent to motors in failsafe condition (set just below hover throttle) float 0.3 0.0 1.0
FILTER_INIT_T Time in ms to initialize estimator int 3000 0 100000
FILTER_KP estimator proportional gain - See estimator documentation float 0.5f 0 10.0
FILTER_KI estimator integral gain - See estimator documentation float 0.01f 0 1.0
FILTER_KP_COR estimator proportional gain on external attitude correction - See estimator documentation float 10.0f 0 1.0
FILTER_ACCMARGIN allowable accel norm margin around 1g to determine if accel is usable float 0.1f 0 1.0
FILTER_QUAD_INT Perform a quadratic averaging of LPF gyro data prior to integration (adds ~20 us to estimation loop on F1 processors) int 1 0 1
FILTER_MAT_EXP 1 - Use matrix exponential to improve gyro integration (adds ~90 us to estimation loop in F1 processors) 0 - use euler integration int 1 0 1
FILTER_USE_ACC Use accelerometer to correct gyro integration drift (adds ~70 us to estimation loop) int 1 0 1
CAL_GYRO_ARM True if desired to calibrate gyros on arm int false 0 1
GYROXY_LPF_ALPHA Low-pass filter constant on gyro X and Y axes - See estimator documentation float 0.3f 0 1.0
GYROZ_LPF_ALPHA Low-pass filter constant on gyro Z axis - See estimator documentation float 0.3f 0 1.0
ACC_LPF_ALPHA Low-pass filter constant on all accel axes - See estimator documentation float 0.5f 0 1.0
GYRO_X_BIAS Constant x-bias of gyroscope readings float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
GYRO_Y_BIAS Constant y-bias of gyroscope readings float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
GYRO_Z_BIAS Constant z-bias of gyroscope readings float 0.0f -1.0 1.0
ACC_X_BIAS Constant x-bias of accelerometer readings float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
ACC_Y_BIAS Constant y-bias of accelerometer readings float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
ACC_Z_BIAS Constant z-bias of accelerometer readings float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
ACC_X_TEMP_COMP Linear x-axis temperature compensation constant float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
ACC_Y_TEMP_COMP Linear y-axis temperature compensation constant float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
ACC_Z_TEMP_COMP Linear z-axis temperature compensation constant float 0.0f -2.0 2.0
MAG_A11_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 1.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A12_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A13_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A21_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A22_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 1.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A23_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A31_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A32_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_A33_COMP Soft iron compensation constant float 1.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_X_BIAS Hard iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_Y_BIAS Hard iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
MAG_Z_BIAS Hard iron compensation constant float 0.0f -999.0 999.0
BARO_BIAS Barometer measurement bias (Pa) float 0.0f 0 inf
GROUND_LEVEL Altitude of ground level (m) float 1387.0f -1000 10000
DIFF_PRESS_BIAS Differential Pressure Bias (Pa) float 0.0f -10 10
RC_TYPE Type of RC input 0 - PPM, 1 - SBUS int 0 0 1
BATT_VOLT_MULT Battery monitor voltage multiplier float 0 0 inf
BATT_CURR_MULT Battery monitor current multiplier float 0 0 inf
BATT_VOLT_ALPHA Batter monitor voltage filter alpha. Values closer to 1 smooth the signal more. float 0.995 0 1
BATT_CURR_ALPHA Battery monitor current filter alpha. Values closer to 1 smooth the signal more. float 0.995 0 1
RC_X_CHN RC input channel mapped to x-axis commands [0 - indexed] int 0 0 3
RC_Y_CHN RC input channel mapped to y-axis commands [0 - indexed] int 1 0 3
RC_Z_CHN RC input channel mapped to z-axis commands [0 - indexed] int 3 0 3
RC_F_CHN RC input channel mapped to F-axis commands [0 - indexed] int 2 0 3
RC_ATT_OVRD_CHN RC switch mapped to attitude override [0 indexed, -1 to disable] int 4 4 7
RC_THR_OVRD_CHN RC switch channel mapped to throttle override [0 indexed, -1 to disable] int 4 4 7
RC_ATT_CTRL_CHN RC switch channel mapped to attitude control type [0 indexed, -1 to disable] int -1 4 7
ARM_CHANNEL RC switch channel mapped to arming (only if PARAM_ARM_STICKS is false) [0 indexed, -1 to disable] int -1 4 7
RC_NUM_CHN number of RC input channels int 6 1 8
SWITCH_5_DIR RC switch 5 toggle direction int 1 -1 1
SWITCH_6_DIR RC switch 6 toggle direction int 1 -1 1
SWITCH_7_DIR RC switch 7 toggle direction int 1 -1 1
SWITCH_8_DIR RC switch 8 toggle direction int 1 -1 1
RC_OVRD_DEV RC stick deviation from center for override float 0.1 0.0 1.0
OVRD_LAG_TIME RC stick deviation lag time before returning control (ms) int 1000 0 100000
MIN_THROTTLE Take minimum throttle between RC and computer at all times int true 0 1
RC_ATT_MODE Attitude mode for RC sticks (0: rate, 1: angle). Overridden if RC_ATT_CTRL_CHN is set. int 1 0 1
RC_MAX_ROLL Maximum roll angle command sent by full deflection of RC sticks float 0.786f 0.0 3.14159
RC_MAX_PITCH Maximum pitch angle command sent by full stick deflection of RC sticks float 0.786f 0.0 3.14159
RC_MAX_ROLLRATE Maximum roll rate command sent by full stick deflection of RC sticks float 3.14159f 0.0 9.42477796077
RC_MAX_PITCHRATE Maximum pitch command sent by full stick deflection of RC sticks float 3.14159f 0.0 3.14159
RC_MAX_YAWRATE Maximum pitch command sent by full stick deflection of RC sticks float 1.507f 0.0 3.14159
MIXER Which mixer to choose - See Mixer documentation int Mixer::INVALID_MIXER 0 10
FIXED_WING switches on pass-through commands for fixed-wing operation int false 0 1
ELEVATOR_REV reverses elevator servo output int 0 0 1
AIL_REV reverses aileron servo output int 0 0 1
RUDDER_REV reverses rudder servo output int 0 0 1
FC_ROLL roll angle (deg) of flight controller wrt aircraft body float 0.0f 0 360
FC_PITCH pitch angle (deg) of flight controller wrt aircraft body float 0.0f 0 360
FC_YAW yaw angle (deg) of flight controller wrt aircraft body float 0.0f 0 360
ARM_THRESHOLD RC deviation from max/min in yaw and throttle for arming and disarming check (us) float 0.15 0 500
OFFBOARD_TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds for offboard commands, after which RC override is activated int 100 0 100000